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  • markwells

    Soup Campbell mission summary:

    It was a beautiful sunny day for the service honoring Major Frank Cecil Stolz Jr.. As a result, we had 13 patriots attending to honor this genuine Marine hero. The Majors daughter, Kathy Burgess made the trek out to our staging area and brought many family members including her 4 sons to let us know how much it meant to the family for us to be there. We received exceptional support from the Hill Country Bible Church. Our point of contact, Shelly, who’s info was provided by Kathy, was exceptionally helpful. As a result we were able to stake flags at key locations throughout the large campus which also housed a 900+student K-12 campus.

    The flag line was uneventful and well organized by Patti who received her Ride Captain designation from our Deputy State Captain, Mark Wells.

    A beautiful day, beautiful setting and a dedicated group of PGR members helped make this a meaning service for the family.

    RIP Major Frank Cecil Stolz Jr.

    in reply to: Letters 2023 #7019

    From the family of Horace B. Hamilton, Jr.

    TO: The Honorable Mark Wells – Austin Regional Deputy State Captain, Patriot Guard

    The Family of Horace B. Hamilton, Jr. wishes to thank you so much for the generous respect and honor you gave to my father at his funeral and burial ceremony. Your incredible show of respect was absolutely awe-inspiring, and it took our breath away! Overcoming the rainy weather, seeing your procession entering the cemetery, and attending Dad’s graveside service and “Standing For Those Who Stood For Us”, is an image that cannot ever be forgotten. My words of thank you cannot convey how greatly we appreciate it.

    We published a public thank you to everyone who honored him, in the local Caldwell newspaper. Attached is an enlarged copy.

    With heartfelt gratitude to you, the Ride Captains, Gary Mayers, Lance Owen, Keith Longacre, Patty Hutto, Thomas Miller, Ray Hughes and the entire Organization. You are all awesome patriots and heroes!

    Brenda H. Terry
    Daughter Of
    Horace B. Hamilton, Jr.


    We had 12 turnout today to honor the service of US Navy veteran Vann Weldon, including two first time riders. Welcome, Dale & Christopher, and thank you to the other patriots who rode through the morning fog to attend this mission in Taylor.

    Thank you in particular to Lance Owen for bringing the flags and staking some in front of the church for those arriving early for the visitation.

    The funeral service ran long, and our LEO escort cancelled, so the call was made to limit the procession to PGR and funeral home vehicles only, with the family and friends heading to the cemetery separately. This worked out well, with no issues in route.

    The Navy looked sharp rendering military honors. RIP Mr. Halmer Vann Weldon. Thank you for serving our country.

    in reply to: Letters 2023 #6961

    From the Monty Gage family:

    Dear Patriot Guard,

    Your kindness and sympathy are more deeply appreciated than any words of thanks can express. Your presence at Monty’s memorial was so very special.

    Frances Gage


    From the Gage family:
    Dear Patriot Guard,

    Your kindness and sympathy are more deeply appreciated than any words of thanks can express. Your presence at Monty’s memorial was so very special.

    Frances Gage


    We had six in the flag line on a warm, muggy day to honor 1SG Rider. Thanks in particular to Lance and Don for flag wrangling today. Two for the price of one!

    After the start of the funeral two of us stayed to join the procession over to CTSVC. Greg and Stephanie arrived two-up from Centex, so we had two motorcycles behind the hearse and Calvin in his flag flying jeep bringing up the rear of the procession. We had good LEO support the entire way, almost two hours. My MC outdoor air display told me it was 101 F, and it felt like it!

    RIP 1SG Rogers Rider. Thank you for your 24 years of faithful service.


    We had seven in the flag line today to honor the service of Mr. Toungate. It was early with a nice breeze, so it was OK for even those standing in the sun.

    There were lots of LEO on hand, motors and otherwise, who continued to arrive even as we concluded the mission. The procession to CTSVC promised to be quite a sight. Representatives of the local Marine Corps League posted a few USMC flags as well.

    Thank you Don for again bringing flags.

    RIP, Corporal and Officer Toungate. Thank you for your many years of service to our country and community.

    Thank you to everyone who changed their plans at the last minute to attend this very short notice mission to honor the service of WWII veteran Clarence Beck. We had 10 in the flag line at the cemetery for the graveside service. Thank you in particular to Max for bringing the flags and water from Kyle up to Pflugerville through the legendary Austin traffic.
    The family was especially appreciative. Our WWII heroes are rapidly declining in number, and it was our privilege to have joined them at his final farewell.
    in reply to: Memorial Day commemoration, Granger, TX, 29 May 2023 #6842

    It was our privilege to once again participate in the Granger Memorial Day Ceremony. We had nine riders on hand, including a first timer (Doug). The event was well attended by people of all ages and was closed by a beautiful rendition of Taps provided by a volunteer trumpeter from Bugles Across America.

    Thanks again to Don for bringing the flags and to all who attended. What a great way to start this day.


    Seven Austin riders participated in this escort of the special baggage handling cart from Burnet to Luckenbach, six bikes with Warren and Marilyn two-up. We joined about 25 other bikes arriving from the north and rode in light rain the entire way.

    Calling this item a “cart” is an understatement. It looks professionally designed and built, with all military branch emblems and LEO represented. How fitting to have a veteran’s remains placed in this after coming off a commercial airliner.

    Thank you to all who participated today. BTW, your bike needs a wash!

    in reply to: Letters 2023 #6834

    From Mr. Wayne Esping’s daughter:

    “Thank you to the Patriot Guard Riders and Beth Borkosky for organizing the Honor Guard/Patriot Riders for our Pop’s services. It was beautiful, amazing and touching. He would have pulled over and saluted if he had seen the motorcade of over 50 riders paying tribute to a veteran. There are not enough words of thanks. Our mom was blown away when she arrived to church and saw them all with their flags, standing at attention and saluting him. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”


    Big turnout today to honor Mr. Esping’s US Navy service. We had 20 in the flag line at the church and cemetery, and 46 bikes on the short ride between the two. I was happy to hand out first mission pins to many riders. A huge thank you to Beth Borkosky with the United Clubs of Austin for getting the word out to the various biker groups and clubs represented today.

    The family was understandably moved by this tribute. All went smoothly, and the rain held off for the 3 hour duration of the mission. Thanks to Don Ferguson for once again bringing flags, water, and posting static flags at the church and cemetery in advance.

    RIP, Yeoman Wayne E. Esping. Fair winds and following seas.

    in reply to: Letters 2023 #6806

    From the family of LtCol Martin Dourte.

    Dear Sir,
    There aren’t enough words nor could we thank you enough. I must say it was the best part of the day! What a glorious sight to see the flying flags lining the driveway. You all bring such a meaningful presence and even though we don’t “know” each other, the essence of a deep bond filled my heart. You give validation and the utmost respect to the lives served.
    On behalf of my family and all the other families you so selflessly serve, Thank You and safe riding.


    Thank you to the eight riders who stood the flag line today in honor of Mr. Kevin Gardner’s service to our country. Before we began our briefing we were visited by two of his daughters and a son-in-law who told us some stories of their dad. He would refer to his service in top secret USAF programs as working in the “Twilight Zone”. Speaking with them and others it was clear our presence made a difference today.

    Don did his usual great job of staking flags in advance. With the addition of our flag line it was a patriotic scene as the many mourners arrived.

    RIP SSgt Kevin D. Gardner. Thank you for your service.


    We were humbled to be part of such a moving event as hundreds of uniformed first responders, family, and friends paid their final respect to Chief Maher.
    Two PGR big flag bikes accompanied the law enforcement escorted procession from the funeral home up to Shoreline Church. Then, 14 PGR formed a flag line along the route of the foot procession which followed, consisting of bag pipers, color guard, many uniformed personnel, and the fire truck bearing Chief Maher. Once everyone had entered the church, we struck the flag line and departed.

    Thank you again to Don Ferguson for bringing the flags and staking many in front of the church well prior to the start. And thank you to all who attended this memorable mission.

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