Frequently Asked Questions
Which counties are included in the Austin PGR region?
Texas is divided into 11 regions.
The Austin region consists of the following counties: Bastrop, Blanco, Burleson, Burnet, Caldwell, Fayette, Gillespie, Hays, Kimble, Lee, Llano, Mason, Milam, Travis, and Williamson.
E-mail Notification Questions
How do I get e-mail notifications?
You have to sign up for them. Click here for our “Mission Email List” and follow the instructions. You will receive an email from the system, and you have to reply to activate your subscription. Mission notification emails will then automatically go to the address you provided.
My email address changed. How do I update it in the email system?
Click here for the “Mission Email List” and re-subscribe with your new address.
How do I sign up for email notifications in other regions, like Centex or San Antonio?
Click here for our list of PGR related web sites. You’ll find other regional PGR websites with their own email list links. This is the best way to stay current with mission activities in the regions outside Austin.
I am not receiving e-mail notifications.
Please use the form on our Contact Us page.
New Member Questions
What do I wear?
We prefer you not dress too casually such as in shorts and flip flops. Jeans are common. Most people show up on motorcycles so are dressed for that activity, but that is not a requirement. Naturally, R-rated pictures and words are not good. You will likely find yourself standing in the sun, so a hat and some sunblock are always good. Or if it’s winter….you get the idea.
What do I bring?
Just your respect for those who have served and sacrificed for our country. And a bottle or two of water. We will provide a flag for you to hold if there will be a flag line.
How do I find out the location, time, how long, etc…?
This information is in the mission email you received if you signed up for email notifications. You will also find this info in the mission thread in the Upcoming Missions section of this website.
Signing up on the email list does not obligate you in any way; we all attend missions when we can. That usually means giving up or not doing something else you had planned, but that’s a call each person has to make.
General Questions
This website does not provide a means for PGR members to post comments or photos. Each mission is also posted at the Austin FaceBook group page where members can post if they wish.
How do missions happen in Texas?
1) Texas PGR has a state captain and an assistant state captain. The state is divided into 11 regions, with each region having a deputy state captain (DSC) and ride captains (RC).
2) The DSC receives mission requests from family members, funeral homes, and sometimes via a request made on the National PGR site
3) Once a mission is confirmed the DSC gathers the pertinent details of who, when, where and solicits ride captains (RC) and flag wranglers (FW) to assign both.
4) The Ride Captain is responsible for the smooth, safe, and respectful conduct of the mission. The RC will brief the riders present as to the details of the day and protocol we follow in the flag line.
5) The Flag Wrangler brings flags and water to the mission. The FW plays an obviously critical role in honoring the veteran.
6) Often there is a procession between the funeral service and burial location. The RC coordinates the details with the funeral home, family, and law enforcement to assure this is executed with the safety of our riders as the top priority.
7) Sometimes missions are a procession only. These are limited to motorcycles only.
8) Big Flag Bikes: Setting up your motorcycle to fly a US flag (or additional flags) is not essential but helpful in demonstrating to the public this funeral procession is for a veteran. We call these “Big Flag Bikes”. A “big flag” is a 3 ft x 5 ft US Flag. These must be rigged to withstand highway speeds without failure.
I am a License To Carry holder. Can I open carry at missions?
One of our mottoes in the PGR is “it’s not about us”. While our second amendment right is precious, openly displaying a firearm at a mission may distract from why we are there, to honor a fallen service member. We, therefore, do not permit open carry at missions.