At the invitation of Operation Finally Home, a charitable organization which provides custom-built, mortgage-free homes to America’s wounded military heroes and the widows of the fallen, the Patriot Guard Riders will participate in a groundbreaking for a new home in Liberty Hill for US Army SGT Aaron Cabrera.
Read about SGT Cabrera here:
Date/Time: Wednesday, 11 May 2022. Groundbreaking ceremony begins at 11:00 am at the homesite at the Santa Rita Ranch subdivision located north of Hwy 29, east of Ronald Reagan Blvd..
Staging Location: Santa Rita Ranch Community Center, 175 Elizabeth Park Blvd, Liberty Hill, TX 78642.
Map link:
10:00 am – 10:40 am Staging
10:40 am briefing
KSU for the short ride to the home site at the direction of the ride captain
Wx: Hi 93 deg, partly cloudy
Ride Captain: Keith Longacre,, (512) 751-8955
Flag Wrangler: Don Ferguson
Notes: Fly your big flags! Upon our arrival at the staging location we will have a chance to visit with the SGT Cabrera. We will then accompany him on a short procession to the home site where we will quickly dismount and form a flag line for the 30 min ground breaking ceremony.