The family of Mr. Thomas Currie has requested the participation of the PGR in his funeral and interment services. Mr. Currie left the service in 1994 as a specialist.
Date/Time: Thursday, 02 September. Services scheduled for 10:00 am
Location: Beck Funeral Home, 15709 RR 620, Round Rock, TX. We will stage at the funeral home.
Directions: The funeral home is located on the south side of RR 620, approx. 3.5 miles west of IH35. map link:
8:45 – 9:15 am staging
9:15 am briefing and flag line.
Wx: Partly cloudy, high in the upper 90's, bring plenty of drinking water, sunscreen recommended.
Notes: Please arrive fed, fueled, and hydrated. At the conclusion of the funeral service there will be an LEO escorted procession to the Hopewell Cemetery in Round Rock, approx. 4 miles.
Ride Captain: Dick Ward,, 512-585-3610
Flag Wrangler: Bob Binkley
Please make plans to stand tall and silent in honor of Mr. Currie's service to our country.