SSgt. Jesse Medrano Calvo, 64, Retired Marine Corps
Please Note the Date has Changed to Sat 4-2-2011
The family of SSgt. Calvo has invited the Patriot Guard Riders to attend the services for their loved one. Funeral Service will be at Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church,1206 E.9th. st., Austin. Burial to follow at Phelan Cemetary, in Bastrop.
Austin staging timeline:
Date: Saturday April 2nd 2011
Time: 8:45 AM – 9:15 AM
Briefing: 9:20
Location:parking lot at the corner of 10th. st. and Lydia. From I.H.
35 take 11th. st. east 3 blocks to Lydia turn right. Church is on the left just past 10th. st..We will park in the N.W. corner of parking lot
Weather: Highs in the mid to upper 80's
Notes: Arrive fueled and hydrated. There will not be an escort to the cemetary. We will go to the cemetary after the service at the church begins and have a flag line set up when they arrive.
Ride Captain:Robert Stancil 217-4740
Flag Wrangler: TBD