Sidney E. Allen 81, US Air Force & Vietnam Veteran

Austin Patriot Guard Riders Forums Completed Missions Sidney E. Allen 81, US Air Force & Vietnam Veteran

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  • #1236

    Confirmed Mission: The Patriot Guard Riders have been invited to participate in the Memorial Service for Sidney E. Allen 81, U.S. Air Force and Vietnam Veteran.
    Sidney retired from the Air Force after earning the rank of Senior Master Sergeant and a Bronz Star.

    Date/Time: Sunday, Dec 28th, 2014 1:00pm

    Location: Private Residence, Burnet Tx

    Directions: Austin Riders will stage at Seward Junction, at the intersection of US 183 N and Tx Hwy 29, at the gas station. We will ride together to Burnet.
    Those who need to go direct to Burnet from other locations can meet the main group at Hwy 29 and Hill St in Burnet. We should be there by 12 noon.

    10:50am – 11:15am Staging
    11:15am – Mission Briefing
    11:25am – KSU to Burnet Tx (35 Min Ride)

    Wx: Lo – 39 Hi – 55 Partly Cloudy (KVUE Wx)

    Notes: Start hydrating the day before and bring a bottle of water for yourself and one for a friend. Dress for the weather. Fuel is available at staging point. This is a flag line only, prior to the service.
    When the service begins, we will strike the flag line and depart quietly.

    Ride Captain: John “TC” Wiley 830-613-4175

    Flag Wrangler: Sam Warren

    Please try to attend this service to stand tall for a USAF/Vietnam veteran and his family during this trying time. This day is also Sidney’s 82nd birthday.


    Check the weather before you depart for the staging. If you are not comfortable with the riding conditions, cages are welcome!

    texas coyote

    This Mission is now complete. I want to thank the seven souls that came to Burnet from the Austin Area to help make this Mission successful. A big thank you to Flag Wrangler "JC" and to Sam for getting all the information together and sending out notices. The day started out cold and wet then "improved" to "just plain Cold" by Noon. Appreciation for the PGR and our presence at the Memorial\Birthday party for Sidney was conveyed to us by his Widow plus many Family members and Friends. They were truly as Honored that we were there as we were Honored by being invited to be there. His 82nd Birthday was today and the Party had already been planed. So at his request the Party went on as scheduled, Complete with a the cake saying "Happy Birthday". Rest in Peace Senior Master Sergeant Sidney E. Allen.


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