Confirmed Austin Mission
Sgt. Matthew Slavenwhite, 32, Army, Iraq Vet.
The Patriot Guard Riders have been invited to participate in the interment service for Sgt. Matthew Slavenwhite, U.S.Army Veteran. Matthew served multiple tours in Iraq.
Date/Time: Friday, Sep 26th, 2014 11:00
Location: Ramsey Funeral Home, 5600 Williams Dr. Georgetown, Tx
Directions: From IH35 in Georgetown take Williams dr. west 5 miles.
Funeral Home is on the left.
Staging: 09:45 – 10:15
Briefing: 10:20
Flagline: 10:35
Wx Lo – 67 Hi – 92 Mostly
After service is completed we will join LEO escorted procession to Central Texas Veterans Cemetary in Killeen. Start hydrating the day before and bring a bottle of water for yourself and one for a friend. Dress for the weather. Recommend sunblock and a hat be worn. Arrive at staging with full tank of gas for the ride to the Central Texas Veterans Cemetery in Killeen..
Ride Captain: Keith Longacre 512-751-8955
Flag Wrangler: TBD
Please try to attend this funeral service to honor this veteran and his family for their sacrifices and service to our country.