SGT Anthony Green, 28, KIA, Yorktown, TX, 24 OCT 2009

Austin Patriot Guard Riders Forums Completed Missions SGT Anthony Green, 28, KIA, Yorktown, TX, 24 OCT 2009

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    SGT Anthony Gabriel Green served with the Texas National Guard, ADT 2, 143rd Airborne Infantry Brigade, Texas Thirty-Sixth “Arrowhead” Division out of Camp Mabry and was killed in action in Afghanistan when enemy forces attacked his vehicle with an IED. Also killed in the attack was SSG Chris N. Staats of Fredercksburg, TX.

    Date/Time: Saturday, 24 October 2009. Funeral service scheduled for 1500 hrs (3:00 pm) Interment will follow at St. Paul Lutheran Cemetery with full military honors.

    Location: St. Paul Lutheran Church, 234 N. Gohmert St., Yorktown, TX 78164. Map Link:

    Austin Staging Location: US183S & FM812, southwest corner convenience store. Map Link:

    Austin Staging Timeline:
    1120-1145 hrs (11:20-11:45 am)
    1145 hrs briefing
    1200 hrs High Noon KSU

    Wx: Clear/Sunny Low 58, High 78, 0% rain. Bring drinking water, sun screen recommended.

    Please arrive fueld, fed, and hydrated. Total one way mileage from staging is approximately 105 miles.
    Route: US 183 to Cuero intersect State Hwy 72. State Hyw 72 to Yorktown (17 miles)
    We will make one scheduled stop in Cuero for fuel and a comfort break. Time will determine the duration of the stop.
    Upon arrival in Yorktown we will come under the direction of the San Antonio area Ride Captain.

    Ride Captain: Terry Moto-T Ayers, (512) 925-6101 (512) 251-5366


    I plan on being there if I can find the staging location.:D


    I want to again thank everyone that made the mission to Yorktown to honor SGT Gabe Green and stood in silent respect for him and his family. Your cooperation and dedication to the mission was exemplary and never in question. Everytime I would top a rise or a hill I could see in my mirrors the 18 bikes and one cage in perfect formation. It was a privilege to serve as your mission RC.


    What an incredible mission — I think the outpouring of support from the community of Yorktown was as impressive a sight as I've seen at any one of these missions.

    It reminded me of riding through Johnson City just ahead of Lady Bird Johnson's funeral procession a couple of years ago.

    Thanks to all of you who rode with us to help honor this fallen Hero, his family, and his community.

    It's with the utmost humility and honor to ride amongst so many damned-fine patriots on such an important mission.


    A couple of pics from the mission:

    Austin staging:

    PGR mounted and ready to ride:

    And the PGR flag line beneath the hundreds year old Live Oaks at the Lutheran Church in Yorktown:

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