Confirmed San Antonio Mission
Lt. Col. Todd Clark – Army – KIA
The Patriot Guard has been invited by the family to stand and honor Lieutenant Colonel Todd Clark (Army), on Friday (June 21) for funeral services to be held at Sunset Funeral Home at 2:45pm, where a flag line will be formed prior to the service, and conclude with forming an honor line after the service. The Patriot Guard will then move in procession to Ft. Sam Houston National Cemetery, where a flag line will be formed for interment services with full military honors, at 4:00pm (shelter tba). Lt. Col. Clark died June 8, in Sharana, Afghanistan, of injuries suffered from small arms fire received at Zarghun Shahr, Afghanistan, while assigned Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division, Fort Drum, N.Y. If available, please try to attend to honor one of our Fallen Heroes and help support the family during their time of loss. Thank you.
Obituary Link:
Helmets Are Required While Riding On
Ft. Sam Houston National Cemetery Grounds
Date: Friday June 21, 2013
Staging: 1:45pm
Briefing: 2:00pm
Staging Location:
Sunset Funeral Home
1701 Austin Highway
San Antonio, Tx
Map Link:
Partly Cloudy
High 94*
10% chance of light showers
Please try to hydrate the night before
Ride Captain:
Charles Rathgeber
Flag Truck:
Alice Wagener