San Antonio Confirmed Mission
Cpl. Ferrell Gilliam Active Duty USMC
The Patriot Guard has been invited by the family to assist with the escort of Cpl. Ferrell Gilliam on Friday (Jan 17) at 10:00am. Cpl. Gilliam is a Marine that was injured (double amputee) last year while serving in Afghanistan, who passed away at B.A.M.C last week. This mission will involve the PGR escorting Cpl. Gilliam from Olinger Funeral Home to San Antonio International Airport (LEO escort in place), where an honor line will be formed as Cpl. Gilliam is moved to the loading area, where he will fly home to be laid to rest in California. California PGR will be present to receive Cpl. Gilliam. If available, please try to attend to honor one of our Fallen Heroes and help support the family during their loss. Thank you.
Date: Friday, 17 Jan
Staging: 09:00
Briefing: 09:20
Staging Location:
CVS Pharmacy
(Parking Area Behind Building)
103 SW Military Dr.
San Antonio, Tx
Map Link –
Low 38* / High 66*
Please come prepared for changes in the weather
Ride Captain:
Paula Johnson
Any questions regarding this mission, please contact