Confirmed Mission: Pfc. John Andrade Sr., 19, U.S. Army, KIA Afghanistan. San Antonio, Texas, Thursday, 19 Aug 2010.
STAGING: 1000 Hrs, McCauley Avenue Baptist Church, 714 McCauley Ave, San Antonio, Texas. Map Link:
BRIEFING: 1015 Hrs with Flag Line forming afterwards.
Funeral service – 11:00am
Procession to follow service with interment at Ft. Sam Houston, Shelter #4.
HELMETS are REQUIRED at Ft Sam Houston National Cemetery. Other than that, you just need to be street legal.
Ride Captain: David "Mule" Sury (Cell) (210) 365-9545
Assistant RC & Flags: Paula "Bubbles" Johnson (Cell) (210) 347-2056
Weather Forecast: High 97º, winds 10 – 20mph, chance of a stray thunderstorm in the late afternoon.
PLEASE remember to use sunblock, HYDRATE and bring extra WATER.
Express-News article:
His obituary:
As always, all bikes and cars are welcome. Please join us in honoring this young soldier who gave his all for our nation.