POW/MIA ceremony, Austin, TX, 18 SEP 2009

Austin Patriot Guard Riders Forums Completed Missions POW/MIA ceremony, Austin, TX, 18 SEP 2009

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    The Patriot Guard Riders have been invited to participate in the annual POW/MIA ceremony on Friday, 18 September 2009 at the Texas State Cemetery near downtown Austin.

    We have been asked to ride into the Texas State Cemetery from the north entrance precisely at 11:00 am to open the event. Please fly your bike flags if so equipped.

    Date/Time: Friday, 18 September 2009. Ceremony scheduled to begin at 1100 hrs (11:00 am)

    Staging Location: Old Safeway parking lot, located on the north bound IH35 frontage road between 11th and 12th street. Map link: tinyurl.com/rck4z6

    1000-1030 hrs staging (10:00-10:30 am)
    1030 briefing
    1040 KSU to cemetery

    Wx: Partly cloudy, Low of 68, high of 92. Please bring your own drinking water.

    We will depart the staging heading east on 11th street and ride in formation to the north entrance of the State Cemetery. We will turn left (east) and park on the sidewalk and dismount. We will then form a flag line for the duration of the event.

    Ride Captain: Steve von Roeder, svroeder@sbcglobal.net, work phone 512-972-7746; home phone 512-837-3843; cell phone 512-466-5769
    Flag Wrangler: Lyn von Roeder


    Please try to make the POW / MIA event on Friday. There will be water provided for us at the cemetery.

    We will probably go eat after the ceremony.

    thanks for all you do.


    Great job by everyone at the POW/MIA ceremony. I was there to honor my Grandfather, Pvt Calvin Whitlow, WWII, Battle of the Bulge. He spent 9 months in a POW camp and 2 years recovering in a VA hospital. He never talked about it to anyone. Ceremonies like this help honor his and everyone elses sacrifice to keep our country free.

    Thanks again and God Bless,


    this was truely an honor to stand and remember those heroes who fought and endured for our freedoms.god bless them all.god bless pvt calvin whitlow


    Steve: on behalf of the Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA), Chapter 915, Austin, thank you for providing ~ three dozen Patriot Guard Riders for the POW/MIA Recognition Ceremony at the Texas State Cemetery on 18 Sep 09. The ride-in was a tremendous start for the Recognition Ceremony, and having all of the PGRs forming a semi-circle with their flags behind the guests and dignitaries added a great deal to the ceremony.

    An article has been submitted to Jim Boyd, Editor, Texas Vietnam Veteran News which will appear in our next edition.

    Once again: thanks.

    John A Miterko
    POW/MIA Recognition Ceremony Coordinator


    Thanks to all of you fellow PGR riders who stood for those of us who couldn't make it in honor of all the fallen heroes that stood for America. God Bless you all! God Bless the families of all the POW and MIA's !
    Michael G


    Thanks, Bones. I appreciate it.
    Ride safe.


    Here are some photos from the event. Thanks to all who made it to this mission to remember those unaccounted for.



    Thanks for sharing the pics. Very impressive.

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