Neil Cochran, 65, USMC veteran, Georgetown, TX, 09 JAN 2019

Austin Patriot Guard Riders Forums Completed Missions Neil Cochran, 65, USMC veteran, Georgetown, TX, 09 JAN 2019

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    Confirmed mission: The Patriot Guard Riders have been invited to participate in the funeral service for Mr. Neil Cochran. Mr. Cochran served in the US Marine Corps and Marine Corps Reserve from 1971 to 1977. He left the service as a Sergeant.

    Additional information about his life can be read here:

    Date/Time: Wednesday, 09 January 2019. Funeral service begins at 10 am.

    Location: Ramsey Funeral Home, 5600 Williams Drive, Georgetown, TX 78633. We will stage at the funeral home.
    Map link:

    8:50 – 9:20 am – Staging
    9:20 am – Briefing
    9:30 am – Flag line

    Wx: Hi 59 deg, partly cloudy.

    Notes: This is a flag line only at the funeral home. Following the start of the service we will strike the flag line and depart quietly. Burial will follow at the CTSVC in Killeen at 1 pm. Centex PGR will be in attendance.

    Ride Captain: Warren Longacre,, 512-755-4163
    Flag Wrangler: Don Ferguson

    Please attend to show honor and gratitude for this Marine's service to our nation.


    Mission Summary: Ride Captain Warren Longacre
    Completed Mission: Neil McSwain Cochran, 65, of Georgetown TX.
    Neil Cochran was a veteran of the US Marine Corp and Marine Corp Reserve. He served from 1971 to 1977 and left the service as a Sergeant.
    The funeral home was full of family and friends and we had a good turnout with 16 riders and a total of 12 motorcycles. The family walked the flag line and thanked each one of us. The weather was good for the people as well for the riders.
    After the service the PGR had 4 big flag bikes escort Sergeant Cochran to CTSVC in Killeen TX.
    Many thanks to Don for wrangling the flags and thanks for all the riders that came to honor Sergeant Neil Cochran.

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