MSgt John S. Barron, 79, USMC (Ret), Cedar Park, TX, 17 Jul 2024

Austin Patriot Guard Riders Forums Completed Missions MSgt John S. Barron, 79, USMC (Ret), Cedar Park, TX, 17 Jul 2024

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  • #7275

    Confirmed mission: The Patriot Guard Riders have been invited to participate in the funeral service for MSgt John Stewart Barron, a 20 year veteran of the US Marine Corps. He joined the Marine Corps in 1962 under the delayed entry program and graduated Boot Camp in June 1963, training in Helicopter avionics 1966 to 1967.  His long service included deployment to Vietnam.

    More about his life can be read here.

    Date/Time: Wednesday, 17 July 2024.  Funeral service begins at 10 am.

    Location: Beck Funeral Home, 1700 E. Whitestone Blvd. Cedar Park, TX 78613. We will stage at the funeral home.
    Map link:

    9:00 – 9:20 am – Staging
    9:20 am – Briefing
    9:30 am – Flag Line

    Wx: Sunny, high 98 deg F

    Notes: Be advised there is a visitation prior to the funeral service.  Friends and family will be arriving during our staging period.  Following the start of the funeral service we will strike the flag line and depart quietly.  Interment is scheduled for 9:00 am, 18 July at CTSVC in Killeen.  Centex PGR have been invited.

    Ride Captain: Patti Hutto,, (512) 636-6374
    Flag Wrangler: Don Ferguson

    Please attend to honor the long service to our country of this USMC veteran.

    Patti Hutto

    8 Patriots attended the mission for USMC MSgt John S. Barron (Stew). By visiting with the family we learned several immediate family and in-laws are Devil Dogs themselves. The family sent the following note after the service: “Patti, on behalf of our family, we wanted to let you know that we were honored to have your group show up and support our family during our fare-well services for our Dad. We were not expecting that and are deeply grateful for your support! Thank you all for your service to our great nation. Semper fi”

    We were fortunate to erect the flag line in the comfort of shade with temps in the mid-90s. There was a slight breeze as well which the flags stretched out from time to time. The USMC provided an honor guard complete with the playing of Taps and the presentation of the US flag to the surviving family members.

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