Hershel H. King, 47, USMC veteran, Leander, TX, 11 July 2021

Austin Patriot Guard Riders Forums Completed Missions Hershel H. King, 47, USMC veteran, Leander, TX, 11 July 2021

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    Confirmed Mission: The Patriot Guard Riders have been invited to participate in the funeral service for Mr. Hershel Heath King .  Mr. King served in the USMC from 1998 to 2002 and was discharged as a Lance Corporal.

    More about his life can be read here: https://www.dignitymemorial.com/obituaries/leander-tx/hershel-king-10256669

    Date/Time: Sunday, 11 July 2021. Funeral service begins at 2 pm.

    Location: Weed-Corley-Fish Funeral Home, 1200 S Bagdad Rd, Leander, TX 78641.  We will stage at the funeral home.

    Map link: https://goo.gl/maps/sYt3hUrGvGTbJg8a7

    12:50 – 1:20 pm – Staging
    1:20 pm – Briefing
    1:30 pm – Flag line

    Wx: Partly cloudy, Hi 92 deg F.

    Notes:  Bring water for yourself and a friend. This is a flag line prior to the start of the service. At the start of the service two riders will enter the funeral home and perform the flag folding and presentation ceremony. There is no procession or interment service following.

    Ride Captain: Mark Wells, atxpgr@gmail.com, 512-470-0380
    Flag Wrangler: Don Ferguson

    Please attend to honor this Marine’s service to our nation.


    We had seven riders today to honor the service of LCpl King. Family friend and PGR rider Pat from Iowa was down for the weekend and stood the line with us.

    Keith Longacre & Matt Kappel folded and presented the flag to LCpl King’s mother. Live taps was provided by a bugler from Bugles Across America. There was a large turnout of friends and family.

    Thank you Don for posting the flags in advance, they worked out great.

    RIP, Mr. Hershel Heath King. Thank you for your service.

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