David R. Estrada, 73, US Army veteran, Cedar Park, TX, 08 DEC 2017

Austin Patriot Guard Riders Forums Completed Missions David R. Estrada, 73, US Army veteran, Cedar Park, TX, 08 DEC 2017

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    Confirmed Mission: The Patriot Guard Riders have been invited to participate in the funeral and burial services for Mr. David Robert Estrada. Mr. Estrada served in the US Army from 1962 – 1968, leaving the service as a Corporal.

    More information about Mr. Estrada's life can be read here: http://www.beckchapels.com/sitemaker/sites/BeckFu1/obit.cgi?page=profile&section=info&user_id=2042879

    Date/Time: Friday, 08 December 2017. Funeral service to begin at 8 am.

    Location: Beck Funeral Home, 1700 E. Whitestone Blvd. Cedar Park, TX 78613. We will stage at the funeral home.
    Map link: https://goo.gl/maps/EqXHuBKXNq92

    6:50 am – 7:20 am Staging
    7:20 am – Briefing
    7:30 am – Flag Line

    Wx: Hi 57 deg, partly cloudy

    Notes: Arrive fed, fully fueled, and hydrated. Bring a bottle of water for yourself and one for a friend. Following the funeral service we will join an LEO escorted procession for the approximate 1 hour ride to Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery in Killeen for the noon interment service.(Note downtime between service start at 8 am and departure to the cemetery about 11 am). Upon arrival at the cemetery we will fall under the direction of the Centex PGR ride captain. Any toll charges are the responsibility of the individual rider.

    Ride Captain: Keith Longacre, (512) 751-8955, keithlongacre@att.net
    Flag Wrangler: Don Ferguson

    Please make plans to attend this mission to honor this veteran's service to our nation.


    It was still dark & very cold when I arrived. Soon Don arrived w the flags & he & I placed several along the front of the FH.before anyone else arrived. I soon met with the family & thanked them for allowing us the honor of standing for their hero.
    After Terry arrived, we all got flags & added ourselves to the staked flags to form an honor line.
    After the service started, we broke down the flag line. Because of the long down time to procession KSU, we departed till later.

    Three Patriot Guard Riders and four members of the Combat Veterans Motorcycle group participated in the procession from the Funeral Home to Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery.

    Thank U Terry for getting the procession there safely.

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