SFC Luis Fernando Ramos-Deliz, 72, US Army, Retired, Temple, TX
The family of Sergeant First Class Luis Fernando Ramos-Deliz has requested the presence and participation of the Patriot Guard Riders in the procession and at the Interment of their Loved One.
Date: Friday, 19 Apr 13
Staging Time: 1400
Staging Location: Crawford-Bowers Funeral Home, 1615 S Fort Hood St, Killeen TX 76542
Briefing: 1405
KSU: 1430 +/- Once the visitation concludes we will prepare to participate in the procession to the Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery.
Note: Arrive at staging on time and topped off.
Ride Captain: Ron “Joker” Smith; 254.415.8204;
Asst Ride Captain: Ron “PACMan” Decker; 254.526.8265, 254.383.6281;
For those able to attend only the Interment Service, the following is submitted:
Staging Time: 1405
Staging Location: The cul-de-sac between the Walk of Heroes and the Memorial Shelter at Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery, located on Hwy 195 just south of Killeen, TX
Briefing: 1410 – Upon clearance and at the direction of the Ride Captain, we will move to the shelter, set up the flags and await arrival of the procession.
Ride Captain: Mary “Marebear” Gregory; 254.458.2120;
WX: Sunny, with a high/low of 69/43. NNW winds 16 mph.
Note: Please arrive hydrated, bring water for yourself and a buddy and dress with consideration of the weather conditions.
Please join us in honoring this Retired US Army Retiree for his selfless service to our Great Nation.