Master Sergeant Fuatia Tia Theus, US Army, Active Duty
The family of MSG Fuatia Theus has requested the presence and participation of the Patriot Guard Riders in the Funeral and Interment of their loved one on Friday, 27 Aug 10 at 1300 at the Heritage Funeral Home, Harker Heights, TX. The funeral will be followed by a procession to the Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery for interment.
Date: Friday, 27 Aug 10
Staging Location: Heritage Funeral Home, 425 E Central TX Expressway, Harker Heights TX 76548.
Time: 1200
Briefing: 1215
Flagline: 1230
Note: We will establish a flagline after the briefing and have been asked to accompany MSG Theus to the CTSVC.
Cemetery Staging:
For those members who are able to participate only in the cemetery portion, staging will be at the cul-de-sac between the Memorial Shelter and the Walk of Heroes at CTSVC. Once we are cleared, we will proceed to the shelter to set up and await the arrival of MSG Theus.
Time: 1400
Briefing: 1410
Weather: 92F, precipitation 10%, Partly cloudy?
Arrive hydrated, bring plenty of water, and wear sunscreen.
Please let us join together and honor this US Army Master Sergeant who helped ensure our freedoms.
Ride Captain: Ron “PACMan” Decker, 254-526-8265, 254-383-6281,
Asst Ride Captain: Gerry "RocketMan" Lowrey, 512-863-3193, 512-818-3690,
Cemetery Ride Captain: David "MarineMajor" Dunn, 512-818-2531,