Confirmed mission: The Patriot Guard Riders have been invited to participate in the funeral service for Brandon Wayne Wright. Mr. Wright served in the US Marine Corps and is a War on Terror veteran having deployed to Iraq 2007-2008.
Information about his life can be read here:
Date/Time: Thursday, 08 August 2019. Funeral service begins at 10 am.
Location: Harrell Funeral Home, 1715 Kirby, Kyle, TX 78640. We will stage at the funeral home.
map link:
8:50 – 9:20 am – Staging
9:20 am – Briefing
9:30 am – Flag line
Wx: Hi 100 deg, mostly sunny
Notes: Bring water for yourself and for a friend. Sunscreen recommended. Interment will be at 1:45 pm the same day at Ft Sam Houston National Cemetery in San Antonio with SAPGR in attendance. There will be a law enforcement escorted procession from the funeral home to Ft Sam. PGR motorcycles are invited to participate.
Ride Captain: Warren Longacre,, (512) 755-4163
Flag Wrangler: Nicki Campbell
Please attend to show honor and gratitude for this Marine's answer to his nation's call to serve.