Brandon O'Neal Yarbrough, 32, USAF veteran, Bastrop, TX, 24 APR 2019

Austin Patriot Guard Riders Forums Completed Missions Brandon O'Neal Yarbrough, 32, USAF veteran, Bastrop, TX, 24 APR 2019

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    Confirmed mission: The Patriot Guard Riders have been invited to participate in the funeral service for Mr. Brandon O'Neal Yarbrough. Mr. Yarbrough served in the US Air Force from 2005 – 2009. leaving the service as an E-4 Senior Airman.

    Additional information about his life can be read here:

    Date/Time: Wednesday, 24 April 2019. Funeral service at 12 noon.

    Location: Bastrop Providence Funeral Home, 2079 Highway 71 East, Bastrop, Texas 78602. We will stage at the funeral home.
    map link:

    10:50 – 11:20 am- Staging
    11:20 am – Briefing
    11:30 am – Flag line

    Wx: Hi 75 deg, Scattered showers and thunderstorms. Chance of rain 60%

    Notes: Bring a bottle of water for yourself and one for a friend. Cage it if weather dictates. This is a flag line only at the funeral home. Following the start of the service we will strike the flag line a depart quietly.

    Ride Captain: Keith Longacre,, (512) 751-8955
    Flag Wrangler: Nicki Campbell

    Please attend to show honor and gratitude for this young man's service to our country.


    Big, big thanks to the 8 super patriots who braved the rainy weather & stood tall for Mr. Yarbrough, his family & friends. The parking lot filed to overflowing, for he was very well thought of in the community & surrounding area. We were given a heads up to the large turn out & moved our staging area to the farthest area of the parking lot.
    Flag wrangler, Nicki & hubby Soup, staked 2 flags at the drive way entrance even though it was pouring. Later, she positioned her truck under the front canopy so we could retrieve flags. We then established the flag line keeping all under cover. At the start of service, she left the line & returned w her truck so we could once again deal with the flags w/o getting drenched.
    Thanks to everyone for doing what you do. It is a big deal to the family & friends.

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