Birthday, CMSgt Robert Sanchez, 99, USAF (Ret), WWII, Korea, Vietnam vet, Round Rock, TX, 07 JUN 2021

Austin Patriot Guard Riders Forums Completed Missions Birthday, CMSgt Robert Sanchez, 99, USAF (Ret), WWII, Korea, Vietnam vet, Round Rock, TX, 07 JUN 2021

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    Confirmed Mission: Riders, we have a fun mission this coming weekend. The Patriot Guard Riders have been invited to join in the birthday celebration for Chief Master Sergeant Robert Sanchez. CMSgt Sanchez turns 100 yrs old on Sunday.

    He enlisted in the US Army Air Corps in 1941 when he was 21 yrs old and served for 30 years including deployments to Europe during WWII and later to the Korea and Vietnam wars. Among his many awards and commendations over his long career are:
    • French Legion of Honor
    • Vietnam Service Medal
    • Croix De Guerre – French Military Decoration for Bravery
    • Distinguished Flying Cross for Heroism while in Flight
    • 4 Air Medals – Heroic or Meritorious Achievement while participating in Aerial Flight
    • Congressional Gold Medal for Office of Strategic Services (OSS) for their Superior Service and Major Contributions during WWII

    Date/Time: Sunday, 07 June 2020. See timeline below.

    Staging location: QuikTrip, 3150 Ranch Rd 1431, Round Rock, TX 78681.
    Map link:

    10:15 – 10:45 am – Staging
    10:45 am – Briefing
    11:00 am – KSU to lead the procession past Mr. Sanchez’s house.

    Wx: Hi 96 deg, mostly sunny

    Notes: Bring a bottle of water for yourself and one for a friend. Mind social distancing protocols during the staging. This drive-by celebration is intended as a surprise for Mr. Sanchez. Other invitees include local police and fire departments, car clubs, etc. If you wish to meet Mr. Sanchez you must wear a mask to protect him, his wife and daughters..all elderly.

    Ride Captain: Keith Longacre,, (512) 751-8955
    Flag Wrangler: N/A

    Please come out and enjoy helping CMSgt Sanchez celebrate his 100th birthday and thank him for his long, brave service to our nation.


    What an absolutely amazing event. Over 70 riders showed up to ride in honor of Mr. Sanchez. As he stood up, we rode 3 abreast past him all the while honking horns & revering our motors. It was quite a a scene. Behind us came a fire truck, police cars, a corvette club, many many decorated vehicles. We went to the end of the street, turned around came back down the other side of the street & parked. There were many presentations including one from the French Consulate. I also presented a PGR card signed by over 70 of us.
    HAPPY 100TH MR SANCHEZ & God Bless U for your service.


    From our honoree, CMSgt Robert Sanchez

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