Updates are in Red
Confirmed Mission: VERY SHORT NOTICE – The Patriot Guard Riders have been invited to participate in the funeral service for Archie Norman Vizena 69, U.S. Army / Vietnam veteran. Archie served 2 tours in Vietnam as infantry and as a helicopter door gunner. He achieved the rank of Sgt and received two Bronze Stars and one Purple Heart.
Obituary is down the page at this link:
Date/Time: Saturday, November 23rd, 2013, 11:00am
Location: Tanglewood Baptist Church, 11203 N. Hwy 77, Tanglewood Tx
Directions: We will stage at the McDonald’s in Hutto, on the North East corner of Hwy 79 and FM 685.
The map link shows the staging location and the route to the church in Tanglewood that we will take. If the Wx is bad, cages are welcome. It is about 44 miles to the church.
8:50am – 9:10am Staging
9:10am – Safety Briefing
9:15am – KSU
Wx: Lo -32, hi – 45 Windy with 40% Chance of Rain (KVUE Wx) (Cage if you need to)
Notes: Please arrive on time and hydrate prior to the mission.. Bring a bottle of water for yourself and one for a friend. Dress for the weather (check before leaving).
Once the service is completed, we will ride in the LEO escorted procession to the Lexington Cemetery for graveside military honors.
Ride Captain: Sam Warren 512-217-4191 samhwk@gmail.com
Flag Wrangler: Bob Binkley
Please make plans to attend and honor this Vietnam veteran for his sacrifices and service to his country.