Austin – Rohi Salah Habib Emran, United States Marine Corps Veteran, Patriot Guard Rider

Austin Patriot Guard Riders Forums Completed Missions Austin – Rohi Salah Habib Emran, United States Marine Corps Veteran, Patriot Guard Rider

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    Confirmed Mission: The Patriot Guard Riders have been invited to participate in the procession and graveside service for Rohi Salah Habib Emran, United States Marine Corps Veteran, Georgetown, Texas. Rohi received honors from the military and was a very proud U.S. Marine. He rode with the Patriot Guard Riders (PGR) while living in Georgetown. One of his proudest possessions was his big red Kawasaki Vulcan Nomad Trike motorcycle. His motorcycle will be ridden in the procession by a close family friend.

    This is a procession only from the funeral home to Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery, Killeen, TX. where the graveside service will be held at the CTSVC Shelter.

    The full obituary may be accessed at this link.

    Date/Time: Tuesday, Oct 27nd, 2015 12:30 p.m.
    Location: Cook-Walden Davis Funeral Home 2900 Williams Drive, Georgetown, TX

    Directions: We will stage at the funeral home.

    11:45 am – 12:15 pm Staging
    12:15 pm – Briefing
    12:30 pm – Stage Motorcycles for the LEO led procession to Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery, Killeen, TX.
    Once staged KSU at the discretion of the funeral director

    Wx: Lo-61 Hi-78 Partly Sunny, 0% Chance of shower( KXAN Wx)

    Notes: Start hydrating the day before and bring a bottle of water for yourself and one for a friend. Dress for the weather. Suggest sunblock. The LEO escorted procession to Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery near Killeen will depart shortly after the procession is staged at the discretion of the funeral director for the graveside honors scheduled for 2:00pm. We will then come under the guidance of the CenTex RCs.

    Ride Captain: Russ Miller 512-636-9692

    Flag Wrangler: NA

    Please try to attend the mission to honor a fellow Patriot Guard Rider and former Marine who served his country with honor and distinction.

    The Ghost

    25 bikes, some from as far away as Brownwood and Brenham met at Cook-Walden for the procession to CTSVC. A friend rode SGT Emran's trike in the procession. Family was extremely grateful for PGR involvement. It was great to see Dick Ward again. Good job by the LEOs.


    Outstanding Russ and those who rode and stood for SGT Emran. I was prepared to ride and a last minute unavoidable situation came up that caused me to miss the mission. Thanks to all for picking up my slack!

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