Austin – Roger M. Williams 77, USMC Vietnam Veteran

Austin Patriot Guard Riders Forums Completed Missions Austin – Roger M. Williams 77, USMC Vietnam Veteran

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  • #1181

    Confirmed Mission: The Patriot Guard Riders have been invited to participate in a Funeral Service for Roger M. Williams 77, U.S.M.C. veteran. Roger was a fixed wing pilot from 1955-1970 and earned the rank of Captain. He served in Vietnam as a Recon Photo pilot.

    Date/Time: Thursday, July 3rd, 2014 10:00am
    Location: Ramsey Funeral Home, 5600 Williams Dr, Georgetown Texas

    Directions: We will stage at the Ramsey Funeral Home.
    The funeral home is located on the south side of Williams Drive (RR2338), 5.5 miles west of IH35. map link:

    8:45am – 9:15am Staging
    9:15am – Mission Briefing
    9:30am – Flag Line

    Wx: Lo – 72 Hi – 94 Partly Cloudy (KVUE Wx)

    Notes: Start hydrating the day before and bring a bottle of water for yourself and one for a friend. Dress for the weather. Recommend sunblock and a hat be worn.
    This will be a flag line at the funeral home only, no procession. Once the service has begun, we will break the flag line and depart quietly.

    Ride Captain: Keith Longacre 512-751-8955

    Flag Wrangler: keith Longacre

    Please try to make this ride to show our appreciation for this hero and his family.


    A hugh thanks to the 13 PGR that showed up for Capt. Williams. The family really thought their Marine would have liked it but would have told us to "get out of the sun". The internment was not till 12 so most of the riders left. 2 of us went to the Berry Creek cemetery to show honors. I think more was coming but the place was almost impossible to find. A detail of Marines was there to render military honors & the 2 of us PGR stood with ( the USMC & US flags ) at the head of the grave site. It worked out super & as we left, family stopped to thank us again & tell how Roger "Tosh" would have liked it.
    Thanks again to all of you that gave of your time today to honor this brave Marine & his family. Semper Fi ooh rah

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