Confirmed Mission: The Patriot Guard Riders have been asked to participate in the 3rd Annual Veteran’s Day Ceremony for Pflugerville, Tx.
Date/Time: Monday, November 11th, 2013, 11:00am
Location: Fallen Warrior Memorial, Pflugerville Park 515 City Park Rd, Pflugerville, Tx
Directions: The park is located just north of downtown Pflugerville. From the intersection of Pecan and Railroad Avenue, travel north on Railroad Ave approx. 0.5 mile, turn left into the park at the swimming pool and proceed back to the pavilion area. Park as directed. Map link:
10:00am – 10:15am Staging
10:15am – Mission Briefing
Flag Line – Ride Captain’s discretion
Wx: Lo – 55, hi – 75 Partly Cloudy (KVUE Wx)
Notes: Please arrive on time and hydrate prior to the mission.. Bring a bottle of water for yourself and one for a friend. Dress for the weather (check before leaving).
This will be a flag line at the Memorial, during the ceremony
Ride Captain: Keith Longacre 512-751-8955
Flag Wrangler: Bob Binkley
Please make plans for attending to honor the fallen heros of Pflugerville and our country.