Austin – Lawrence E. Warren 91, US Navy WWII Veteran

Austin Patriot Guard Riders Forums Completed Missions Austin – Lawrence E. Warren 91, US Navy WWII Veteran

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  • #1064

    Confirmed Mission: The Patriot Guard Riders have been asked to participate in the funeral services for Lawrence E. Warren 91, U.S. Navy. Lawrence is a WWII veteran, having served on the USS Enterprise, and achieved the rank of Boatswain’s Mate 2nd Class.

    Date/Time: Wednesday, November 13th, 2013,  3:30pm

    Location: Cook Walden Capital Parks, 14501 N. IH 35, Pflugerville Tx

    Directions: We will stage at the funeral home. Funeral chapel is located approx. 1 mile north of Howard Lane off the northbound IH-35 service road.
    Map Link:

    2:15pm – 2:45pm Staging 
    2:45pm – Mission Briefing
    Flag Line – Ride Captain’s discretion

    Wx: Lo – 36, hi – 55 Partly Cloudy (KVUE Wx)

    Notes:   Please arrive on time and hydrate prior to the mission.. Bring a bottle of water for yourself and one for a friend. Dress for the weather (check before leaving).
    This will be a flag line before the service and at the cemetery located next door for the graveside service. There will be no procession.
    Mr. Warren is the grandfather to Ann Warren Pierce and her husband, who is a Motor Officer with the Travis County Sheriff’s Office.
    He was one of the WWII veterans that was able to participate in the Honor Flight from Austin to the WWII Memorial in Washington D.C.
    Visitation is Tuesday Nov 12th, 6pm – 8pm Cook Walden Capital Parks Funeral Home

    Ride Captain: Sam Warren 512-217-4191
    Flag Wrangler:  Sam Warren

    Please make plans to attend to honor this WWII veteran for his sacrifices and service to his country.


    Thanks to all who ventured out today to stand tall for Mr. Lawrence Warren, and recognize him for his service and sacrifices to our country. He loved his country and his fellow man.
    The family was greatful for your presence.
    We had 11 members there including two cages and bikes.
    I hope all arrived home safely and before it got too cold. Sleep well tonight knowing that you have shown your respect and honored one of our best.


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