Austin – Jose A. Enriquez 86, U.S. Army Korean War Veteran

Austin Patriot Guard Riders Forums Completed Missions Austin – Jose A. Enriquez 86, U.S. Army Korean War Veteran

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  • #1228

    Confirmed Mission: SHORT NOTICE: The Patriot Guard Riders have been invited to participate in the funeral service for Jose A. Enriquez 86, U.S. Army Korean War veteran. Jose served in the 2nd Inf., was wounded in Korea and received the Purple Heart and Bronze Star. He retired with the rank of Sergeant First Class.
    Date/Time: Tuesday, Nov 4th, 2014 10:00am

    Location: St Johns Catholic Church, 624 E. Hopkins St, San Marcos Tx

    Directions: We will stage at the church in San Marcos. From Austin, go south on IH 35 to exit 205 in San Marcos. Exit onto the frontage rd to E. Hopkins St. turn right (west) on Hopkins and go approx. .6 miles, church is on the left.

    8:45am – 9:15am Staging
    9:15am – Mission Briefing
    9:30am – Flag Line

    Wx: Lo – 55 Hi – 79 80% chance of TSM’s (KVUE Wx)

    Notes: Start hydrating the day before and bring a bottle of water for yourself and one for a friend. Dress for the weather.
    Once the service is over, we will join the LEO escorted procession to the Memory Lawn Cemetery for military honors. (Approx 4.4 Miles)
    IF the Wx is as forecast, please consider caging it to stand for this veteran.

    Ride Captain: Robert Stancil 512-217-4740

    Flag Wrangler: Sam Warren

    Please try to attend to honor this veteran and his family for their sacrifices and service to our country.


    I'm glad the rain held off. We got Scott and his ride safely to the Victory dealer. He said many thanks.


    Thanks to all who attended this service, the family was very grateful and happy to see us there.
    We had 7 bikes, 3 cages, and a total of 12 folks.
    Thanks to Courtney for the prayers that kept us from getting wet today!

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