Austin – Bobby E. Jennings 78, US Army Veteran

Austin Patriot Guard Riders Forums Completed Missions Austin – Bobby E. Jennings 78, US Army Veteran

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  • #967

    Confirmed Mission:
    The Patriot Guard Riders have been invited by the family to participate in the funeral services for Bobby E. Jennings 78, U.S. Army veteran. Bobby was discharged in 1962 after his tour, and achieved the rank of Sp5.

    Date/Time: Monday , June 24th 2013  11:00am

    Location: Gabriels Funeral Home, 393 N. IH35 frontage Rd, Georgetown Tx
    Directions: The funeral home is located on the southbound frontage road of IH-35. If traveling north on IH-35, take exit 264, cross over to southbound side. Funeral home is located immediately north of the La Quinta hotel. From southbound IH-35, take exit 262. Map link:

    9:45am – 10:15am Staging 
    10:15am – Mission/Safety Briefing
    10:30am – Flag line

    Wx: Sunny, lo – 75, hi – 99.  (KVUE Wx)

    Notes:   Please arrive on time, and hydrate prior to the mission.. Bring a bottle of water for yourself and one for a friend. Dress for the hot weather. We will join the LEO escorted procession to the IOOF Cemetery in Georgetown for the graveside services.

    Ride Captain:  Keith Longacre 512-751-8955

    Flag Wrangler:  Bob Binkley

    Please make plans for attending to honor this man who served our country.


    Sorry this is late.
    Thanks to the 12 of you that showed up in the heat. The family & others asked me to pass along just how much your presents meant to them. You all are true patriots in what you put yourselves through to honor our fallen heros & families.
    Thanks also to Bobby for wrangleing the flags & water.
    Thanks so much to everyone.

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