Confirmed Mission:
The Patriot Guard Riders have been invited by the family to participate in the funeral services for Billy Morris 78, U.S. Army (Ret). Billy is a Vietnam veteran who received many awards. He achieved the rank of Sergeant First Class.
Date/Time: Saturday , June 8th, 2013 10:00am
Location: Sacred Heart Catholic Church, 302 W. 11th, Elgin Tx
Directions: Driving east on Hwy 290 E. from Austin to Elgin, passing the intersection of Hwy 95, go several more blocks east to 11th St, turn north on 11th and proceed to the church.
8:45am – 9:10am Staging
9:10am – Mission/Safety Briefing
9:30am – Flag Line
Wx: Mostly sunny, lo – 68, hi – 92. (KVUE Wx)
Notes: We will stage at the church. Please arrive on time, and hydrate prior to the mission.. Bring a bottle of water for yourself and one for a friend. At the conclusion of the service, we will accompany the family in an LEO escorted procession to Fairview Cemetery on Hwy 95 in Bastrop, Tx for graveside services.
Ride Captain: Juan Gonzales 512-466-8968
Flag Wrangler: Frank James
Please make plans for attending to honor this Vietnam veteran for his service and sacrifice to our country.