Austin – Alvin Simpson 65, USMC

Austin Patriot Guard Riders Forums Completed Missions Austin – Alvin Simpson 65, USMC

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  • #1255

    Confirmed Event:
    The Patriot Guard Riders have been invited to accompany Alvin Simpson 65, United States Marine Corps, unknown rank,to Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery. He was previously classified as unclaimed until a couple of days ago when only his daughter was located.

    Date/Time: Wednesday, Apr 22nd, 2015 9:45am
    Location: High Pointe Baptist Church, 12030 Dessau Rd, Austin Tx

    Directions: We will stage at the church. From the intersection of Parmer Ln and Dessau Rd, go south on Dessau for approx. .5 mile, the church is on the right.

    9:00am – 9:30am Staging
    9:30am – Briefing
    9:45am – KSU to Killeen

    Wx: Lo-66 Hi-83, 30% Isolated shower ( KVUE Wx)

    Notes: Start hydrating the day before and bring a bottle of water for yourself and one for a friend. Arrive at staging with a full tank. We will have LEO escort to Killeen where CenTex Region will be standing ready. Once we arrive, we will come under their direction.

    Ride Captain: Terry Ayers 512-925-6101

    Flag Wrangler: N/A

    Please try to attend so we can stand tall in honor of this veteran.


    Five bikes and one cage escorted Vietnam Veteran Alvin Simpson to Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery. The mission was covered by the news media in Austin and Killeen. At the time of his passing Mr. Simpson was homeless and his remains had been held for five months. The money to pay for his funeral was raised through social media via a GoFundMe account. Thanks to Austin PD and the Sherriff departments of Travis, Williamson, and Bell counties for the exceptional escort.

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