Armed Forces Day Event, Llano, TX, 14 May 2010

Austin Patriot Guard Riders Forums Completed Missions Armed Forces Day Event, Llano, TX, 14 May 2010

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    The PGR has once again been invited by the people of Llano to participate in the county Armed Forces Day Rally on May 14th. This is an annual event which honors all active duty service men and women from Llano County.

    Date/Time: Friday, 14 May 2010.

    Staging Location: Llano Junior High School parking lot, 400 Hwy 71 East, Llano, TX. GPS cooridnates N 30deg 44’ 11.96” & W 98deg 40’ 22.29”. Map link:

    10:00 – 10:45 am staging
    10:45 am briefing
    10:50 am KSU for the short ride to the Llano County Courthouse.

    Wx: Weather conditions to be annouced during the briefing. Bring your own drinking water, sunscreen recommended.

    Notes: We will form a flag line at the start of the ceremony at 11:00 am. It should last about an hour or so. After the ceremony we have been invited to have lunch and visit with others in attendance.

    At this time there are 80 plus service men and women who attended school in Llano and many more who have a connection to Llano via family here etc. Since August of 2007 there have been 3 KIA’s from this immediate area.

    Ride Captain: John (TC) Wiley,, 325-423-2220
    Flag Wrangler: TBD

    We attended this event last year. It was a real nice tribute to our men and women in uniform and a good turn out of the Patriot Guard.

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