Austin Patriot Guard Riders › Forums › Completed Missions › William “Bill” Alan Scott, 86, US Navy, National Guard veteran, Austin, TX, 21 AUG 2022 › Reply To: William “Bill” Alan Scott, 86, US Navy, National Guard veteran, Austin, TX, 21 AUG 2022
Today, 10 PGR members stood the flag line to honor William (Bill) Alan Scott. Mr. Scott is the father-in-law of Perry Koehn, a PGR member since 2007. Nicki arrived early to post flags prior to visitation. It was only 90 degrees but very humid. We welcomed a first time rider Terry Siems. The rider who rode the furthest to attend was Sammie Seahawk, who rode from Houston, AGAIN (a true road warrior). Mrs. Scott, Bill’s wife of 63 years walked the flag line with several family members to thank each for being there. Bill’s son Larry made it a point to shake each members hand and thank them for being there. Thanks to Nicki for bringing much appreciated water and putting up and taking down the flags. Thanks to all who attended and especially those who helped Nicki by picking up flags posted at both entrances to the church. A special thanks to Perry for meeting Nicki and Soup and providing them with info from the obituary, recommending the best place for the riders to park and going over the best place to post the flag line since there were 2 entrances to the church. He also, provided plates of cookies and brownies from the buffet in the church.
RIP William Alan Scott. R.S. Campbell, Ride Captain
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