Reply To: [Centex] SGT Bobby Ray Newman, US Army, Veteran

Austin Patriot Guard Riders Forums Completed Missions [Centex] SGT Bobby Ray Newman, US Army, Veteran Reply To: [Centex] SGT Bobby Ray Newman, US Army, Veteran


SGT Bobby Ray Newman, US Army, Veteran
Interment at CTSVC

The family of SGT Bobby Ray Newman, US Army Veteran, has requested the presence of the Patriot Guard Riders at the interment of their loved one on Friday, 25 Jun 10 at 0900 at the Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery, Killeen TX.

Date: Friday, 25 Jun 10

Staging Location: Parking will be on side of road directly across from the columbarium. Flag truck will be in place and we will gather there prior to establishing flagline.

Time: 0815

Briefing: 0825

Note: Once we are cleared to move to the columbarium, we will establish a flagline and await the arrival of SGT Newman.

WX: 95F, precipitation 30%, wind S at 10mph, isolated t-storms

Arrive hydrated, bring water, wear sunscreen, and be prepared for changing wx conditions.

Please join us in honoring this US Army veteran for his service to our great country.

Cemetery Ride Captain: David "MarineMajor" Dunn, 512-818-2531,