Reply To: Wounded warrior home presentation, Cpl Sebastian Gallegos, Kyle, TX, 17 June 2024

Austin Patriot Guard Riders Forums Completed Missions Wounded warrior home presentation, Cpl Sebastian Gallegos, Kyle, TX, 17 June 2024 Reply To: Wounded warrior home presentation, Cpl Sebastian Gallegos, Kyle, TX, 17 June 2024

Gary Mayers

Today is the day the Lennar home builders will be turning over the key to Cpl Sebastian Gallegos. Back in December just 6 months ago the Patriot Guard riders were invited to a ground breaking ceremony for USMC Cpl Sebastian Gallegos (Ret) who was wounded by an IED in Afghanistan in 2010.

Today 4 riders showed to lead the procession from the model home to the now finished home for Cpl Gallegos and his family. It is a very hot day with only breaks when the clouds moved in to block the sun. At 10:05 Grayson McGovern gave us the go to lead out, along with one law enforcement vehicle, two fire trucks followed by the two golf carts. The first cart was for Charlie Coleman Division President and colleagues from Lennar Austin. The second cart was for Cpl Sebastian Gallegos (Ret), and his family.

Rounding the corner to the home site was a big surprise because when we were here in December the whole area was bare land and now completely filled with new homes. As we approached a line of people packed both sides of the road waving flags and clapping to show support to Cpl Gallegos. We dismounted and joined the ceremony. After the first guest started to speak they had to stop the ceremony because the fire trucks had to pack up and respond to a fire call. The high school color guard presented the colors. A 9 year old girl sang the star spangled banner. Following all the guest speakers a 13 year old girl sang God bless the USA. The key to the home was presented to Sebastian and he stood at the podium to talk about his family life and thanking all who attended. Thanks to Lennar for building the home and to Cabela’s for donations to build the home.

To Cpl Gallegos, and family. Enjoy your new home.
God Bless