Reply To: Sam Warren, 78, US Army, USANG, LEO, PGR veteran, Hutto/Pflugerville, TX, 28 Sep 2024

Austin Patriot Guard Riders Forums Completed Missions Sam Warren, 78, US Army, USANG, LEO, PGR veteran, Hutto/Pflugerville, TX, 28 Sep 2024 Reply To: Sam Warren, 78, US Army, USANG, LEO, PGR veteran, Hutto/Pflugerville, TX, 28 Sep 2024


We had 33 patriots gathered today to usher Sam Warren from this world. As we walked in a line from the parking lot to form the flag line at the church, I turned around to enjoy the site of all those US flags and those who carried them. Sam would have liked it, too.

We formed up again after the funeral mass as the Austin Police Department conducted honors outside the church, with live taps, bagpipes, and folding and presentation of the Texas flag to Sam’s family.

The procession from the church to the cemetery was well escorted by LEO. However, one of the family cars had a flat, which caused us to stop for a short while on the SH 130 service drive. Later, one of the family members commented, “Sounds like Sam having some fun…a final laugh for the stoppage of the funeral procession”.

The Army provided military honors at the cemetery with taps, a rifle salute, and folding and presentation of the US flag.

Thank you to all who attended today, in particular PGR Texas State Captain Mylissa “L.F.” Pannell-Munguia who rode up from the San Antonio area. Thank you also to Patti for her help, and Lance, Gary, Soup, and Nicki for flags and water.

Every veteran funeral mission is a sad affair, but when we bury one of our own, it hurts. RIP Sam Warren, we miss you already.