Reply To: SMSgt Jennifer Villela, 43, USAF (Ret), Cedar Park, TX, 28 Sep 2022

Austin Patriot Guard Riders Forums Completed Missions SMSgt Jennifer Villela, 43, USAF (Ret), Cedar Park, TX, 28 Sep 2022 Reply To: SMSgt Jennifer Villela, 43, USAF (Ret), Cedar Park, TX, 28 Sep 2022


We had a really great turnout of 16 PGR members standing tall today to honor USAF (Ret.) Senior Master Sergeant Jennifer Villela on a perfect fall day in Cedar Park. Even though the temp outside was only a few degrees less today, the “cooler” fall temp was noticeable by all and a nice respite from the triple-digit days we experienced just a short time ago.

Today’s mission was a two-parter for us, the first part was standing a flag-line before the memorial service started in Cedar Park and then the second part was 11 of us escorting the hearse and all the family & friend’s vehicles to CTSVC in Killeen where we stood a second flag-line for the interment service along with an equal contingent of Centex PGR members.

On a special note, our strong presence today brought Jennifer’s husband Edwin and a little later, her father Joseph, to tears when they individually came over to where we were gathered before the service to talk with us about Jennifer’s life and to genuinely thank us all for being there for her. It was moments like this today that hit you in the feels and make what we do so important, to show respect and support to a family where a loved-one has passed…and in this case, one that was way too soon. I thank you all who took time out of your day to stand tall to honor the memory of Jennifer Villela. Godspeed and RIP good lady and thank you for your years of dedicated service to our country!