Reply To: Gonzalo Garza, 95, USMC/WWII/Korea veteran, Georgetown, TX, 27 May 2022

Austin Patriot Guard Riders Forums Completed Missions Gonzalo Garza, 95, USMC/WWII/Korea veteran, Georgetown, TX, 27 May 2022 Reply To: Gonzalo Garza, 95, USMC/WWII/Korea veteran, Georgetown, TX, 27 May 2022

The Ghost

10 Patriot Guard Riders attended the flag line at St. Helens Catholic Church in honor of Marine Gonzalo Garza. We were honored to be joined my A 32 year veteran Marine SgtMajor who was instrumental in the founding of the Patriot Guard and also happened to have Mr. Garza as a teacher when he was in grade school. Once the Mass started, we quietly departed. 5 members who stood the flag line reassembled at the Texas State Cemetery in Austin to render honors at the burial service. Thanks to all who attended this fairly long and very hot mission.