Reply To: Cpl Tevan Nguyen memorial event, Hutto, TX, 5 FEB 2011

Austin Patriot Guard Riders Forums Completed Missions Cpl Tevan Nguyen memorial event, Hutto, TX, 5 FEB 2011 Reply To: Cpl Tevan Nguyen memorial event, Hutto, TX, 5 FEB 2011


Confirmed Mission

The family of Marine Corporal Tevan Nguyen has invited the PGR to participate in a memorial event planned for this Saturday in Hutto. As you recall, Cpl Nguyen was killed in action in Afghanistan in December, and his funeral and burial service was held in Brownwood, TX on 6 January 2011, an event at which the PGR was honored to participate as well.

Cpl Nguyen grew up in Hutto and played on the Hutto High School football team. The City of Hutto, Williamson County, US Marine Corps color guard, American Legion, Lions Club, and other groups are joining with his family to commemorate his life and ultimate sacrifice in service to our nation.

Date/Time: Saturday, 5 February 2011. Memorial service scheduled to begin at 1 pm.

Location: Veterans Hill Elementary School, 555 Limmer Loop, Round Rock, TX

Austin Staging Location:
McDonalds in Hutto, located at 608 Hwy 79, west side of Hutto. Map link:

11:30 – 11:45 am staging
11:45 am briefing
12 noon KSU with flags flying for approx. 10 min ride to the school.

Wx: Partly cloudy, low 25, high 54 deg. Please bring your own drinking water, we will not have a flag truck present.

Notes: Please arrive fed, fueled, and hydrated. We will form a flag line upon arrival at the school. The Lions Club will provide 100 US flags for us and anyone else who wishes to stand the flag line. Once the program begins, the flag line will be retired and riders are invited to attend the service. There will be refreshments provided by the organizers.

Ride Captain: Steve von Roeder,, cell 512-466-5769, home 512-837-3843
Flag Wrangler: Flags provided by others

Please make plans to stand tall and silent to honor the service and ultimate sacrifice of Cpl Nguyen on our behalf.